Parenting is the most important and challenging job in today’s rapidly changing world – but children and young people don’t come with a handbook.

At ParentZone, we offer all carers and parents a chance to develop and strengthen their parenting skills and create positive change in their family. We provide free parenting groups, workshops, resources, and training for parents and the professionals who work with them. Our skilled and experienced facilitators tailor the sessions to meet the interests of each group.

ParentZone programs cater to all ages and stages, from newborns to teenagers. Programs address the stages and challenges faced by parents including family violence and mental health. Key programs are also offered in multiple languages. They are usually held across the state in schools, kindergartens, community houses, and churches but due to current restrictions are being held online. In 2023, ParentZone sessions supported over 6245 people.

Read the ParentZone brochure or Find a program near you.

What a Parenting Program can assist with:

    • Improve communication and understanding between carers and children.
    • Feel more prepared for the different ages and stages of childhood.
    • Learn new ideas and strategies to shape children’s behaviour positively and develop their potential.
    • Strengthen relationships within the whole family.
    • Foster stronger relationships while dealing with loss, disability, trauma, separation or divorce.
    • Empower children to deal with their emotions.
    • Build a more resilient family that can grow together.

    Parenting Support Near You

    ParentZone Gippsland | Newsletter | 03 5135 9555 |

    ParentZone Southern | Newsletter | 03 9781 6729 |

    ParentZone Eastern | Newsletter | 03 9721 3646 |

    ParentZone Northern | Newsletter | 03 8641 8900 |

    If you live or work outside the ParentZone regions but are interested in the work we do with families and professionals, please contact your nearest ParentZone for further information.

    Examples of Parenting Programs offered:

    Parents Building Solutions (PBS) aims to strengthen parent-child relationships and increase parents’ capacity in responding effectively to children’s behaviour by building skills and confidence. Parents Building Solutions is a holistic approach to parenting which encourages parents to focus on their values and beliefs, to set goals for their family, and to choose the strategies that work for them.

    Beyond the Violence (BTV) is a program for adult and child survivors of family violence. It helps families establish safety, rebuild relationships and move forward with their lives. The BTV program is conducted with two groups running simultaneously – one for parents and one for children.  Both groups offer parents and children the opportunity to share and learn ways to cope with particular behaviours in age appropriate ways to encourage engagement. Learn more about programs for parents and children who have experienced family violence.

    ParentZone FAQs

    • At ParentZone we believe it ‘takes a village’ and so to provide the best possible services to parents we collaborate with councils, schools and other community based organisations to provide parenting support programs and resources.

      We offer consultation to professionals on a wide range of parenting issues, a Quarterly Parent Educators Network Meeting and can also provide accredited training to professionals in facilitating Parents Building Solutions programs both one on one and in groupwork.

    • Yes! We welcome parents, step-parents, grandparents, carers, kinship carers, parents whose children are not currently in their care and expectant parents. Parents who are expecting a baby often participate in parenting groups to prepare them in their parenting journey.

    • Unfortunately our groups are focused on parenting education and in most cases children are not able to attend. There are some groups which may include children, for example new parent groups or playgroups. You will get this information on registration.

      If you would like to attend a parenting group, you may like to ask a family member or friend to mind the children, utilise child care services or if children are old enough, set them up with some activities and tell them you will check in with them during breaks (online).

    • Yes! Couples are welcome and encouraged to attend groups together so that they can be on the same page with their parenting skills development and strategies.

    • For face-to-face group you may like to bring a pen and notepad to write notes.

      For online groups: You will need access to an internet connection and a smart phone/tablet or computer/laptop; it is a good idea to have a pen and notepad to write notes.

    • As many as you need!

    • Each group is flexible and tailored to the needs of those who attend. Some of the things we usually talk about include getting kids to listen, helping children deal with their emotions, developing resilience, what to expect at different ages, discipline, rules and consequences. Some programs have a particular focus, such as parenting a child with autism, groups for fathers, responding to challenging behaviours, parenting after family violence, or parenting teens.

      Parents Building Solutions

      The aim of Parents Building Solutions programs is to provide a safe space in which parents can explore and share their goals and values in parenting, affirm the strengths that parents bring to their family and the possibility of developing new strengths. The programs offer strategies for building positive family relationships and ideas to encourage children and young people to choose to behave ‘well’ and so minimise unwanted behaviours.

      Beyond the Violence

      An 8 week program to support families to establish safety, rebuild family relationships and move forward with their lives following Family Violence. Parents and children each attend programs at the same time, then join together as whole families for the final part of each session. Families are able to share with others who have experienced family violence and support each other to create new ways of relating within their family.

      Whilst we prioritise Parents Building Solutions programs, in addition to our trademarked Parents Building Solutions groups we also have parent educators trained in a variety of external programs including Tuning into Kids, Tuning into Teens, Bringing Up Great Kids as well as Baby Makes Three.

    • Groups can be held at your local ParentZone, kindergartens, maternal & child health centres, schools, neighbourhood centres, through local councils and community agencies and online.

    • No! All parenting education programs offered by ParentZone are free of charge.

    • Yes, parents who attend the parenting group will receive a certificate of attendance.

    Anglicare Victoria - ParentZone Pods

    Pods from ParentZone

    Topics such as dealing with anxious children and sibling rivalry are covered in a series of six episodes. The ParentZone Pods aim to give helpful advice, provide tips, information and act as a general discussion on how to parent successfully.

    Click here to listen in